back in action

After taking about four months away from personal branding and online business, I'm back at it.

It has been a busy four months — my daughter was born in December, and between my 9-5, sleepless nights, and handling bureaucratic nonsense with health insurance (don't get me started), I didn't have much time to tend to my personal brand or online business.

Thankfully, my little girl is mostly sleeping through the night and we're getting some decent rest.

Welcome to all the new subscribers!

I want to say "hi" to all the new subscribers. Wherever you came from (I see lots of new faces from the Creator Network), welcome! Please hit me with a response and send me a link to your LinkedIn or Twitter profile so I can drop you a follow!

Most recently, I started posting again on Twitter.

I do have to say I missed it!

The community on Twitter is pretty tight, and people are super encouraging.

Twitter definitely has its downsides, though...

It can be an echo chamber...

And I frequently come across writers who only write about writing and content creators who only create content about content creation.

It's an interesting dynamic, and I can't really judge because everyone out here is just trying to make it... right!?

We're all figuring out things as we go along, and hopefully we're learning, tweaking, and improving.

If you don't already follow me on Twitter, let's connect over there!

The Future of This Newsletter

Here's the big announcement today...

I'm doing a Command + Z with my newsletter and flipping it back to being about mostly health and fitness content.


I've been doing martial arts for 17+ years...

I've been living weights for almost 5 years...

Health is one of the pillars of my life, and I want to share that with everyone.

This also means I'll be focusing on this type of content over on Twitter.

So, if you're not interested in health, fitness, and wellness content, you're more than welcome to unsubscribe... although I'd prefer if you stuck around! I think there's going to be something in it for everyone.

"Neil, when are you going to make up your darn mind!?"

I don't know. Don't ask.

Anyhow, I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I'll catch you soon!



CreatorFocus™ is a weekly digital publication that's designed to help digital writers handle the typical creative blocks we all face, like burnout, procrastination, and distraction. It's designed for realistic people who know the rewards of being a creator come with longevity and self-improvement. New editions released frequently.

Read more from CreatorFocus™

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